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What We Do

The Dunkin' Political Action Committee (PAC) is a vital part of our government affairs engagement. In addition to our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and in states around the country, the Dunkin' PAC remains our primary vehicle for supporting elected officials who partner with us on matters affecting our business. Our PAC is bi-partisan, supporting both Democrats and Republicans. We pride ourselves on being able to work with elected officials on both sides of the political aisle who support our business, our franchisees, and the restaurant industry.

Given the desire and engagement of our franchisee community in government affairs activities, the Dunkin' Political Action Committee Board sought and received permission from the Federal Election Commission to solicit franchisees as well. We've also expanded our efforts with Dunkin' PAC employees to allow more eligible employees to participate in the PAC. With support from throughout the Dunkin' PAC system, the PAC will allow us to partner more effectively with you, as franchisees and Brand employees, to advocate on behalf of our system and your businesses.

I hope you will consider making a donation to the Dunkin' Political Action Committee and making our voice in Washington as strong as possible. It is an investment in our business, both now and in the future. Participation in the PAC is strictly voluntary, but I hope you will agree with me that this is an important way to support the future of our brand.


Parag Patel and Ashley Coneff
PAC Co-Chairs
Dunkin’ Political Action Committee

About Dunkin’ PAC

  • PAC is used to support federal candidates that are willing to listen to our positions on key issues facing the brands, and build long-term relationships.

  • Contributions are bi-partisan.

  • Your donations to the Dunkin’ PAC allow us to work with legislators across both sides of the aisle on issues that matter most to our brand and workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Political Action Committee?

A Political Action Committee (PAC) is a group of people with common interests who pool their financial resources to help elect candidates for public office.

Who is allowed to participate in the Dunkin’ PAC?

By law, companies can only solicit contributions from salaried employees who have policy-making, managerial, professional or supervisory responsibilities. At Dunkin’, this manager level employees and above.

Why doesn’t Dunkin’ as a company contribute to political candidates?

Federal law prohibits corporate contributions to candidates; however, corporations may sponsor PACs and pay for their administrative costs.

What’s the benefit of contributing to candidates?

If we do not express our opinions, others whose interests conflict or compete with our business’ or industry’s interests will. Therefore, it’s important that we actively support candidates who understand our business or are willing to listen to our position.

Do contributions buy candidates?

A successful political campaign today can cost $1 million or more for the House of Representatives and $5 million or more for the Senate. It is unlikely that our contributions could ever be considered unduly influential. However, all contributions are recognized and appreciated.

Can’t I just contribute to the candidate(s) of my choice?

Absolutely. We encourage employees and franchisees to be actively engaged in their communities, through politics and otherwise. But your contribution to the PAC is important too. Collectively, our contributions will enable us to speak with a strong voice for Dunkin’.

How does the Dunkin’ PAC decide which candidates to support?

The Dunkin’ PAC considers the candidate’s issue support for our industry, leadership roles, committee assignments, voting records, and willingness to understand our business.

How much should I contribute to the Dunkin’ PAC?

Your decision to contribute to the PAC and at what amount is entirely your own. It is strictly a voluntary, personal choice. You will neither be rewarded nor face reprisal as a result of your decision. For contribution recommendations, refer to the Suggested Contributions Schedule. No person may contribute more than $5.000 to a single PAC annually. If you contribute more than $200 annually, the PAC must provide the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with your name, address, occupation and contribution amount. However, your individual contribution will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed internally under any circumstances.

The Inspire Brands PAC Board, which consists of six franchisees and four corporate team members representing Dunkin’ and Baskin-Robbins has created the following tiers of suggested giving for your consideration:

  • Governor - $500 

  • House - $1,500 

  • Senate - $2,500 

  • Presidential - $5,000 

Why aren’t PAC contributions tax deductible?

Federal law prohibits counting PAC contributions as a charitable donation for Federal income tax purposes. Consult your tax advisor for further guidance.

How will I know which candidates the Dunkin’ PAC supports?

The Dunkin’ PAC will periodically publicize the contributions made and summarize the fund’s financial position. PAC contributions are also public record, and you may search the PAC’s contributions at

If I have more questions, who should I contact?

Please contact Mike Vanaki on the Government Affairs team.

Board Members

Franchise Board Members
  • Parag Patel, Co-Chair

  • Rob Branca, GASC Co-Chair

  • Thomas Daly

  • John Motta, Secretary

  • Raj Patel

  • Dwar Patel

Corporate Board Members
  • Ashley Coneff, Co-Chair

  • Jonathan Biggs

  • Rick Colon

  • Peter Green


For information on Dunkin' Political Action Committee

Mike Vanaki:

Government Affairs Manager, PAC Manager

Dunkin' PAC

Office: 781-737-5130
